

If you ask alumni how 十大菠菜台子 impacted them, the answer will most likely be a “who,” not a “what”: A person or several people always had an open door, 在关键时刻提出建议, or provided a boatload of inspiration.

去年秋天,作为 I 'm All In运动, the college asked alumni to name  names, 说出是谁让伯洛伊特成为一个特别的地方,以及他们为什么都支持伯洛伊特. We hand-picked some of the many submissions and stories they shared.   

Donna Oliver, Professor of Modern Languages & 文献

Donna Oliver, Professor of Modern Languages & 文献 Donna Oliver, Professor of Modern Languages & 文献
来源:jishhnu Guha ' 13
Professor Oliver has supported me since my very first day at 贝洛伊特. 作为我的俄语指导老师, she guided me through my Russian study abroad program, introduced me to the work of poet Alexander Pushkin, 指导我成为罗纳德·E. 麦克奈尔研究学者.

Dr. 奥利弗鼓励我超越现状,帮助我把自己对俄语的热爱融入其中, 文化, 批判种族理论. She genuinely cared about my development as a student, 作为一名专业人士, 最重要的是, 作为一个人. 奥利弗教授坚定的指导对我今天的成就起了很大的作用.

— Oceana Gilliam’17, Member of 贝洛伊特’s Board of Trustees

Roxie Alexander, Professor of English

Roxie Alexander, Professor of English Roxie Alexander, Professor of English
Roxie Alexander was such a force of nature. 她对古典文学的了解以及她惊人的机智使她上的每一堂课都很愉快.

我也很幸运,在我不完全成功的英国留学学期,她是我的指导老师. 她的建议和观点就像一条温暖的毯子,包裹着我20岁时的不安全感. I continue to donate to the college every year in her memory.


Ron Watson, Associate Professor of Health & 社会

Ron Watson, Associate Professor of Health & 社会 Ron Watson, Associate Professor of Health & 社会
Professor Watson guided my Honors Term Project, 该研究的重点是威斯康星州罗克县性传播感染率与阿片类药物流行之间的交集,.

He pushed me to collaborate with community organizations, 收集的民族志研究, 并将我的发现用于贝洛伊特公共卫生倡议的工作. Professor Watson helped me to think critically, 当项目完成的时候, 他全力支持我申请公共卫生硕士学位.

— Hannah Yee’19, Member of 贝洛伊特’s 校友 Association Board

Laura Grube’08, Associate Professor of Economics

Laura Grube'08, Associate Professor of Economics Laura Grube’08, Associate Professor of Economics
图片来源:Howard Korn ' 87
Dr. 格鲁伯对她所有的学生都做了一件了不起的事:她要求批评, 小心, purposeful thinking out of every interaction in class or outside of it. 她塑造了我对伯洛伊特大学及其他学校的看法,并以无数方式拓宽了我的视野.

She was a mentor from the moment I stepped on campus 3,在我们为改善这个神奇的地方奉献生命的过程中,他一直是我们的导师,这个神奇的地方叫做伯洛伊特学院.

— Hernan Santacruz’19, 十大菠菜台子 Admissions Counselor

Brock Spencer, Professor of Chemistry

Brock Spencer, Professor of Chemistry Brock Spencer, Professor of Chemistry
布洛克通过他对非科学专业学生的教学,向我展示了普通科学教育的重要性 每一个人. 我很幸运地成为了几门化学课程的助教,这段经历增强了我作为一名科学家和教师的信心.

尽管我的成绩一般, 他鼓励我追寻自己的梦想, 读研究生, 获得我的博士学位.D. 在化学. 他问了很多开放式的问题,帮我找到了适合我的大学.

Years have passed and my career led me on a completely different path. 有一件事是不变的:我的文科和理科学位让我成为了一名更好的科学家, 一个更有意识的全球公民, and a well-rounded mom setting up the next generation for success.

——Brenda Waller Kaushik 1993年

Bud Whiteford, Professor of Anthropology

Bud Whiteford, Professor of Anthropology (at left) Bud Whiteford, Professor of Anthropology (at left)

这带来了多大的不同啊! 怀特福德成为我的导师和朋友,在我毕业十年后帮助我选择职业. I eventually became an American diplomat.

——路易斯·R. 限度的57


德文·威尔逊,90届,副院长 德文·威尔逊,90届,副院长As director of the McNair Scholars Program, 威尔逊副院长大力提倡像我这样的第一代少数族裔学生克服自我怀疑,继续读研究生, 许多Ph值.Ds.

— Tori Key’03, Member of 贝洛伊特’s Board of Trustees


Wendy Avra Gordon'76 and Zak Gordon'73 Wendy Avra Gordon’76 and Zak Gordon’73I’m all in for 贝洛伊特 because 49 years ago this week, 在那里,我遇到了我生命中最重要的人,并爱上了他, 我的神奇, 出色的妻子,像我第一次见到她时一样坚守着自己的价值观!


Les McAllister, Professor of Economics

Les McAllister, Professor of Economics Les McAllister, Professor of Economics
In the fall of 1958, I was a transfer student to 贝洛伊特. Les McAllister, as my advisor, was the first staff I met. 除了U.S. 经济历史, I can’t remember any other economics courses I took my first semester, 但最后我把他的都拿走了.

He gave me an interest in economics that continues to this day. 我敢肯定,他是伍德罗·威尔逊提名我和我被选为“布鲁塞尔芽菜”的幕后推手.” I was very fortunate to bring him up to date at my 50th reunion.

——Tom Mullaney, 1961年


贝洛伊特’s first seminar abroad in 1960 went to Brussels, Belgium, to study newly established European common markets. The group earned the nickname “Brussels Sprouts.”

Frank Crivello’76, Admissions Officer

Frank Crivello'76, Admissions Officer Frank Crivello’76, Admissions Officer
Frank Crivello was my first contact with 十大菠菜台子. I always felt like he was in my corner, 从我还在高中(考虑到伯洛伊特)到毕业那天.

If he happened to see me walk past Middle College to classes, he’d yell out his office window to flag me down. Then I’d walk over, and we’d chat a bit. (It was amusing then and still makes me smile now.)那种欢迎、支持的姿态象征着我在伯洛伊特的经历.

Did I have awesome professors who also made a difference? 我当然是这么想的——有几个立刻浮现在我的脑海里——但当我想到那些不那么安静的、尖叫着的支持线时 追随你的激情! the entire time I was at 贝洛伊特, I always think of Frank.



汉克·伍德德,地质学教授 汉克·伍德德,地质学教授
Dr. 伍达德,或“酋长”,因为他被亲切地称为,是真正鼓舞他的学生. 他表现出热情。, 完整性, 对他的学科有很深的了解, 在照顾学生的同时保持尊重和钦佩,这是一种罕见的结合.

Many of his students went on to successful careers, 十大菠菜台子地质系也被列为全国最好的专业之一. Many went on to teach with “The Chief” as their model.


Marion Stocking, Professor of English

Marion Stocking, Professor of English Marion Stocking, Professor of English
I had an advanced class with Marion Stocking my freshman year; there, I met the work of Samuel Beckett for the first time.

After graduate school and a few decades of life and family, we met again in her retirement haven in Maine. 我们一起在平静的湖面上划独木舟, 发现了一座小教堂,是当地艺术家在公共工程管理局时期画的, 在海岸上跟踪鸟类.

我们上次访问亚特兰大时,她参加了一个会议,探讨如何最好地将《十大菠菜台子》(The 贝洛伊特 Poetry Journal)交给新编辑. She visited my office at Emory to see the legacy her own teaching, 她的编辑经历, 她的友谊影响了: 塞缪尔·贝克特书信集, which I was co-editing for Cambridge University Press.


——Lois More Overbeck, 66年


查德·沃尔什,英语教授 查德·沃尔什,英语教授
我是看查德·沃尔什的书长大的 内莉和她的飞天鳄鱼, first when my mom read it to my brother, 我的妹妹, 和我, then as one of the first books I ever read.

As a freshman in his creative writing class, the topic of children’s books was raised by another student, and he said he had no experience in that field. I had to stand up and ask, “What about Nellie?他脸红了.

我从未见过如此谦虚. 他使我成为一名作家.

——Allan Dalcher ' 70

Scott Crom,哲学教授

Scott Crom,哲学教授 Scott Crom,哲学教授
When my father died suddenly on a Sunday in February of my senior year, I hurried home to Annapolis to be with my mother and brothers.

When I got there later in the afternoon, 斯科特·克罗姆已经给我发了一封电报,让我待在家里,需要待多久就待多久,他和查德会和我的教授们谈谈. 他让我把注意力集中在家里,等我回来后他们会帮我补上的.




汤姆·麦克布莱德,英语教授 汤姆·麦克布莱德,英语教授
Through his engaging teaching style and passion for the topic, 汤姆·麦克布莱德教授让我懂得了优秀写作的力量——无论是写一篇长篇荣誉论文还是写一封简短的信.

Thanks to his help I learned to write well, 这项技能为你打开了通往各种有趣机会的大门. 我写演讲稿, 时事通讯, and press releases for a State Senator; I wrote analyses of pending federal legislation for a public-interest law firm; I worked as a freelance writer, 成功地销售了从个人体验文章到首席执行官编辑服务的一切. Eventually I settled on a career in foundation philanthropy, 基于我的写作能力,我赢得了一个入门级的职位,然后进入了这个领域.

As executive director of a private foundation for many years now, 我仍然在使用从麦克布莱德教授那里学到的基本写作和分析技巧!)年前.



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